The fly is a nuisance to people around the world, primarily in places with a bad sanitary environment. Flies breed in any decaying, rotting organic matter like garbage, filth, excreta, manure etc. This contact subsequently leads to contamination of human food and transmission of disease.
Crawling insect Pests management - We will use odor-less insecticidal spray of Beta-cyfluthrin to control crawling insects. This is a new generation formulations which is odorless, highly active, broad-spectrum insecticide with quick-knock down effect. This treatment will all affected area, stores, lockers, toilets and etc. The application will be directed to the harborages and surfaces frequented by pests.
House fly management - For controlling flies, we recommend proofing against fly entry, installation of fluorescent PVC strip curtains and insect killers at strategic locations(to be done by the company). The purpose of these recommendations is to reduce the uses of pesticide in internal areas. These areas and other common areas/passages, filling/receiving bay; garbage area will also be treated with insecticidal solution of Beta-cyfluthrin (for indoor application) and Cypermethrin (for outdoor application). Hit fly baits may also be used at strategic location for fly control.
All the above chemical concentration depends upon the level of infestation.